Happy customers

“At Training by Tara we love Peaceful Paws. It has worked wonders on our rehabilitation cases that have separation anxiety or crate anxiety. We have told several of our clients about it as well and they have also had great results.” 
- Tara Stermer

"I am a Red Star responder for American Humane Association. We were deployed to work in a shelter with over 500 pit bulls that had been rescued from breeders in 11 states who used them for fighting. The dogs where not only tense because of the shelter situation and being caged, but they were in close quarters with other dogs which they had only been exposed to to train or fight. Every moment of their day was filled with stress. I used My Peaceful Paws on my hands and up my arms every day that I was on that deployment (two weeks). Not only did it help to comfort the dogs in rescue, but it calmed me so that I could perform my job on these dogs that were known to be fractious. My Peaceful Paws is a permanent item in my deployment bag!" - Susan Thayer

"This product is absolutely wonderful. It works quickly and when used as directed calms down pets that suffer from anxiety during thunder storms and fireworks. My dog has actually put her paw up as to shake for me to put the oil on her feet. Thank you Christina for providing such a wonderful relief for my sweet Ginger." - Leah Jo Eaton

"Like you needed another testament to My Peaceful Paws, but Sue ate his food in his kennel while I was gone. Normally he will turn over the bowl and just spread the food around the kennel. With the oils, he just ate it and enjoyed his time in his Den." - Russel Williams

"My Peaceful Paws helped Skid so much! Now all I have to do is put on your oil and he actually goes right into his crate! Thank you, thank you!" - Heather Smith Hilgers

"I've been using Peaceful Paws for over 1 1/2 year now. Widget, 2 yr old female Dalmatian, has anxiety issues with people and dogs. We 
use it before we have house guests/visitors coming. What's most interesting is that Widget now associates My Peaceful Paws with being calm. I've also used it on her when she's just been overly wound up, and as soon as it goes on she knows it means it's time to chill out! I keep a bottle handy whenever I can - I have one in my home office, in our living room, in the bag I take to dog training, and I always take one with if we're traveling with the dogs." - Valerie Whitmore, CDKitchen.com

"I LOVE My Peaceful Paws. I was very skeptical - aroma-therapy for dogs? I was desperate and I bought two bottles, one for my Shepard and one for a new neighbor's dog, Lucy, that was barking continuously when my neighbor was gone. It gave me the opportunity to mention the barking AND give her a tool that may help. This stuff works like MAGIC! Every time my dog gets too wound up, I rub a couple of drops on his ruff and front paws and he calms down within about 15 minutes. Better than that, though, I gave the second bottle to my neighbor. 
It has also made a huge difference for Lucy, the neighbor's dog. She has told me that her dog seems more relaxed, but I can hear (or not hear) the proof myself" - Barrett Hansen & the calmer, gentler Jack.

"It has worked wonders on Pudge. She went from having to be physically placed inside her crate to walking in voluntarily! Thank you so much" - Chelsea Dass

"My Peaceful Paws has been a lifesaver for my two Cocker Spaniels. Both had severe separation anxiety, crying in their kennel for hours a day. Using My Peaceful Paws in combination with obedience training, I was able to see their confidence levels increase. Now I come home and they are calm and rested in their kennels. Peaceful Paws is an instant soother when they are agitated or overwhelmed by situations, like thunderstorms, guests coming over or loud noises. I love this product and the sanity it has put back into my life!" - Vanessa Stotts

"Your wonderful healing "potions" have meant the world to me and my aging, beloved dog Shep, as well as crazy, young Jupiter." - Liz Salaiz

"Over the years I have fostered over 50 Labradors for Heart of Texas Labrador Rescue. Over the past 4 years I have kept a bottle of Peaceful Paws handy to help calm dogs during storms as well as when fireworks are being set off outside. I have also found it very helpful when crate training as it tends to help calm down anxious dogs as they adjust to crate training. - Ray Hebert

"I have been using My Peaceful Paws in my boarding facility since October 2010. They have made a world of difference in helping first time boarders settle in and for those with separation anxiety or thunderstorm anxiety. I have also used My Peaceful Paws on my own dog with separation/thunderstorm anxiety. I have been able to increase the length of time that I can leave him at home alone and he handles thunderstorms with much greater ease. - Jenny Young, Boarding and Daycare Manager Zoot Pet Hospital

*Please remember that aromatherapy doesn't replace veterinary care. Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products shown are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.